Sunday, December 9, 2007

Three Stooges Timeline

  • 1925- The Stooges form Vaudeville act Ted Healy and his Stooges along with performer Ted Healy.
  • 1932- Shemp leaves act, Curly joins.
  • 1934- The Three Stooges begin making their famous shorts.
  • 1946- Curly suffers stroke and is forced to leave the act. Shemp is brought in as a replacement.
  • 1952- Curly's health declines until his death.
  • 1955- Shemp dies of a heart attack; the Stooges reuse old footage and use a stand in to complete more shorts as per demand in their contracts.
  • 1956- Joe Besser is brought into the group.
  • 1957- Columbia shuts down their shorts department, ending the Stooges run.
  • 1959- After renewed popularity because of television, the Stooges embark on a personal appearance tour; Joe withdraws from the act to stay with his ailing wife. Curly-Joe DeRita is brought in as a replacement.
  • 1959-1965- the Stooges make a series of popular feature films, and a successful animated televison series.
  • 1970- Larry suffers a stroke ending his career.
  • 1975- Larry suffer another stroke and dies. Later that year, Moe dies of lung cancer.
  • 1988- Joe Besser dies.
  • 1993- Curly-Joe DeRita dies.


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Kaplowitz Media said...

Very nice little post.

Unknown said...

When were the 3 Stooges in the Barnum and Bailey Circus?