Sunday, October 28, 2007

Some of my favorite Stooge sites

Here are some of my favorite sites about the Three Stooges that you should have a look at: -Wikipedia is a great site where you can find information on almost anything. The 3 Stooges section has some great information you can't find anywhere else. - This site has information on every Stooge short. You get a plot synopsis, cast and crew details, and more. - The official Three Stooges website. Offers bios, sounds, pictures, and a club you can join.

These were 3 (an appropriate number I think ;) ) of my favorite Stooge websites.


Julie Tomczak said...

I like watching old movies. You don't see that type of comedy anymore. Do you know if the 3 Stooges are on tv anymore? I like the image that you found.

Martha said...

Okay--remember when we read about embedded links? This would have been a PERFECT place to use them...see if you can embed links in future posts.